Privacy Notice

The role of participants

To inform our research, Blake Stevenson conducts one-to-one interviews, focus groups and online surveys. It asks participants questions about the relevant project and their part in it. Online surveys are usually conducted using Snap Surveys software.

How Blake Stevenson will use your data

Blake Stevenson is fully compliant with UK data protection laws and all participants’ responses are returned directly to the Blake Stevenson research team.

Blake Stevenson only uses data for the purposes of the specific research. Answers are stored securely and access to them restricted to the Blake Stevenson research team. The company does not pass your information to any other organisation. It might use information that is provided in a report, but this is presented anonymously and no information is included that could be used to identify an individual.

All participant responses are deleted at the end of the research project. Furthermore, all company research is conducted in accordance with the Market Research Society Code of Conduct.

Participant rights

Taking part in a survey, interview or focus group is voluntary. Participants are free to withdraw from taking part at any point, and do not have to answer all the questions.

Under data protection legislation, participants have rights in respect of any personal data that Blake Stevenson may hold about them. These include the right to:

  • access a copy of the information the company holds;
  • object to Blake Stevenson processing their information;
  • have inaccurate personal data rectified; and
  • request that Blake Stevenson delete the information that it holds about them.

Participants can exercise any of these rights by contacting the company using the details below. Should a participant wish to make a complaint about the way in which Blake Stevenson has used their personal data, contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (

Blake Stevenson contact details

If a participant has any questions about their role or about our research, they should contact our team on  0131 667 2919 /